Friday, August 8, 2008

Read between the lines.

This is a conversation between a guy and a girl in a relationship.They have been having dysfunctions of late and have kept quite on both sides,not getting in touch as always,hardly returning phone calls,easily getting pissed,you know all those attitudes that come along with issues in relationships. In an attempt to restore order and re-ignite the first love,the guy breaks the ice,using his mobile phone to send text messages to his girl.(for clarity and easy reading abbreviations are fully written). #Guy-Both of us are fucking up,and we don't think it's high time we call ourselves to order.Isn't this child's play and rocky sail worth putting an end to?That's my church mind anyway! #Guy-Have been acting in pissing ways,no doubt,but so have you.Mine,as a result of accumulated stress and unrealized goals from our relationship.For some weeks now,we've been on different wavelengths. #Guy-And it has had gross effects.I tried giving You and I some breathing space to reincorporate,get ourselves back,refresh the whole thing,stop repeating mistakes,laugh over things,share like goals. #Guy-And to divert myself I've been an workaholic of late,staying over night on the net,merging loads of to-do lists together,just to preoccupy myself and mind.Making use of every chance to have fun. #Guy-I'm writing all these in the mood I've been trying to avoid all this while,an insecure and painful one.I'm doing this to ease the thinking,at least while it lasts.don't know what you make of all this, but I'm sorry if I've caused you anything. #Girl-(jokingly perhaps,in reply to the first text)It's baby's play,mosque mind,huh?It's your biz,I was waiting for it to come.Thank God you know but still,I find your reasons hard to believe but have already concluded in mind your reason.WHO IS TO BLAME? #Guy-You are waiting for it to come;I had to face the scarecrow, break the silence.I don't dispute having some faults and I apologize,but erase does reasons you might have,only God knows. This is a true life story.

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