Friday, August 15, 2008

What A Pending Experience.

My journey through school didn't look that stressful and would be said to be filled with luck when told to others,but actually and in reality,I won't like to go through it again.I started secondary school at a pretty young age,finished in due time and got into the university when i was a score minus four years.Admitted into the university for a course i knew virtually nothing about,a discipline that was at opposite sides to my dream discipline.But,because of the enthusiasm i had of being in school,I desired to make the best of my opportunity.School wasn't what i thought and heard it would be like,the stress and hardship all started from the very beginning,the periods of initial registration.Here,all students would gather in their numbers,on queues,with vital sheets of papers in hand,sweating under the scorching sun,some shunting,and some beside the queue,tired of moving on.This process goes for days,and gradually the very persistent one's,and those who were helped by academic officials had the victory song of overcoming the registration hurdle.To my surprise,this was just the beginning of all the hurdles yet to come. Immediately,time-tables were out,lectures were commencing,strict lecturers became everyday must-see,the booth camp had just began.For someone like me,I was far from home,heard from my family and friends through phone calls and email,seeing was ruled out,only on holidays or special festivals.I could count the number of times i went home throughout my university days. In my first year,like every other student in the world,i read like i had PhD. papers to write,attended all lectures,never missed any,had up-to-date notes of lectures,and after school i still came back to school for what we called ''Night-class'',were we read from evening till night and others till the break of dawn,and then another day and the whole routine repeats itself again and again and again.............But,on getting to my second year,also like most students I consumed the commodity called my books to the point that diminishing marginal utility started corrupting my hardwares,the school system didn't help matters either,they only aggravated it by contributing to making students prone to being deviants.How you would say?What students referred to as hard work wasn't rewarded,instead,poor grades were the order of the day,and only those who could read themselves to stupor had better grades.Those who couldn't had to innovate means so they wouldn't be thrown out of the system by natural selection,What does this initiate?examination malpractice,cultism,drug abuse,and the likes. Not forgetting the threats from the lecturers too,especially to the female students in forms of sexual harassment,abuse,assaults and so on.......even students posed as threats to other students.........however,despite all these,school definitely had it's off-the-hook moments where we never wanted the fun to stop.This mostly occurred during the second semester of every session,probably because most of us had lesser work loads in school and most of schools' social activities were during this period. Years,months and days passed,all spent in either fun,boredom,stress,energy,lethargy,enthusiasm,hunger,extravagant lifestyle and loads of other dispositions.Along the line,friends were made alongside enemies,some were dropped by the way and others were picked,some stuck to my memory like glue,while some went with the passing of their time. To cut the long story short,despite the seeming unending road of going through the university,I finished,few had to go an extra year,some extinct and others couldn't just make it to the end.We come to the crossroad at this point,where individual deeds and survival all wants to begin again,but this time on a different scale entirely..........i can bet that!!!!! Here I come,approaching in just a couple of days,the white round-necked shirt with green details and a complimenting khaki pant........the NY SC uniform,I'm going to be called the Youth Corper.I'd have the opportunity to travel and work,serve i mean,my country for 365 days..................I can't just wait to experience that feeling.The one i have always been gisted about.................being a youth corper.I'm going to have to stop here for awhile,'cos i can't actually give you details of what i haven't experienced sit tight,relax and I'd definitely keep you all posted. Now wish me GOOD LUCK,will you!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

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