Abubakar: I was born in Lagos,my late father was a diplomat while my mother was a business woman.I’m the last of three from my mother. I had my primary education in the United Kingdom ( Blackpool), secondary school at the Nigerian Military school and University at ABU both in Zaria, where I graduated with a degree in Law. I had my Law school in Enugu campus of the Nigerian law School. I worked in a Law firm for a year and a half before taking time off and then venturing into publishing.
Jamati: Tell us how the Mode brand all began. From the magazine,the luxury goods, outlets,to the Award.
Abubakar: I’ve always loved magazines and ‘good things’ so after a stint with law, I decided to follow my heart. The name MODE had always been in my head right from Secondary school. The outlet came as a result of me needing funds to keep the magazine alive, also because I did a lot of personal shopping for a lot of friends. The Man of the year Awards was something I felt was needed to just celebrate men in a stylish way. The maiden edition held in Dec 2008 at the Transcorp Hilton was a great success. Tony Elumeleu emerged our Man of the year. Dr Newton Jibunoh and Prof Wole Soyinka also recieved Life-time achievement awards. Governor of the year went to Lagos state’s Gov.Fashola.
Jamati: Mode men magazine just concluded it’s Black Night III. Can you briefly highlight the successes of the event?
Abubakar: The event was a great success by all means, The venue was the Shell Hall, Muson Centre and the deco was awsome(By Dunamis). We had 350 guests, men in black , ladies in white. International artist Llyod thrilled the crowd, while local acts like Jesse Jags,The Diamonds, Trap and Obiwon entertained the audience. Small chops was provided by TFC and wine flowed courtesy of JP Chenet. We raised almost 500,000 for charity through an auction. The goodie bags at the end of the night were also ‘well worth it’. The event was sponsored by Wisemen Apparel, Aquitane, TFC, DANA AIR, JP Chenet with support from Cytech, Planet Press and TC consult.
Jamati: This is your 3rd year running Mode men magazine. What are the challenges you’ve encountered and how were you able to overcome them?
Abubakar: The major challenge is finance and we’re still struggling with finance. Our major source of income is advertising and unfortunately many Nigerians haven’t realised the importance. Also the ‘who you know’ in nigeria factor comes in with getting advertising, but we’re getting there and our quality speaks for itself.
Jamati:Do you have plans to expand the brand in the future?
Abubakar: Yes we do plan to expand the brand, we should be launching MODE Teens ( a free magazine for teenagers to mentor them) in the next few months and a women’s magazine in the future.
Jamati: I have always wanted to ask this question. Are you in any way related to Nigeria’s 1st and only Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa?
Abubakar: Yes, I’m a relative.
Jamati: You studied Law,but you earn from being something else. What is responsible for the change from being a practising lawyer into an enterpreneur in entertainment & style?

Abubakar: Passion and following my heart and dreams.
Jamati: If you had to start a new business today,what would you do?
Abubakar: I’m launching a clothing line next year, I also love music and would love to own a label.
Jamati:Who’s your favourite superhero?lol
Abubakar: I’m not into superheroes but God’s my super HERO.
Jamati:What’s your most serious personal regret?
Abubakar: None! Learn from every experience!
Jamati:What keeps you going inspite of life’s hurdles?
Abubakar: Knowing that the bible says “God has promised never to give us more than we can bare” and passion!
Jamati: What advice would you give up-and-coming enterpreneurs,especially in light of the world’s present economic state.
Abubakar: Have a business plan and start small, then grow!!
Jamati: How do you spend your leisure time?
Abubakar: Don’t get much leisure time but I treasure time with family and friends. I listen to a lot of music.
Jamati: What do you think most men fail to understand about women?
Abubakar: Almost everything!! They’re strange creatures and each woman is different with diffrent needs, but they all love attention, talk and compliments.
Jamati: Where should we expect Abubakar Tafawa Balewa in the next 5 years or less?
Abubakar: Owning a chain of magazines, a clothing line and a record label. I also plan to do a lot of charity work, but most importantly- to be where God wants me to be.
Jamati:Thank you for honouring this interview.We at Jamati.com wish you all the best in your endeavours.
Abubakar: Thank you.
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